Products  »  Natural Nutritional Supplement  »  Spirupac Capsule: 60

Spirupac Capsule: 60

  • Spirupac capsule
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Your Price: US $ 24.00
Model:  Capsule  | Brand: Product

  • Product Information

Spirupac Capsules For Complete Nutritional Supplementation:

The Spirupac formula is a complete nutritional supplement.
General Health TipsGeneral Health Tips

  • Eat fresh leafy greens and juicy fruits
  • Dry fruits and nuts can be added in your snacks
  • Take Care of your digestion and excretion
  • Avoid constipation to prevent toxic accumulation
  • Sleep in proper time
  • Practice simple exercises or Pranayama

Key Ingredients

  • Spirulina

Further Reading and References:

  1. P. D. Karkos, S. C. Leong, C. D. Karkos, N. Sivaji, and D. A. Assimakopoulos, "Spirulina in Clinical Practice: Evidence-Based Human Applications," Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 2011, Article ID 531053, 4 pages, 2011. doi:10.1093/ecam/nen058.
  2. Choi, W.Y.; Kang, D.H.; Lee, H.Y. Enhancement of Immune Activation Activities of Spirulina maxima Grown in Deep-Sea Water. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2013, 14, 12205-12221
  3. Birot R, De Jouvencel D, Raginel L and Rouillé G, 2012, 'From malnutrition to HIV: spirulina is an effective solution which continues to reveal its secrets', The Journal of Field actions, Special Issue 5 | 2012 : Women's and Children's Health

Spirupac Capsule: 60