This is a natural herbal remedy provides relief from fever. Natural antiviral herbs counteracts with viral pathogens causing fever. This poly herbal formula is very effective to control Fever ,pain and inflammation.
Key Ingredients
- Nilavempu (Andrographis paniculata)
- Vettiver (Vetiveria zizanioides)
- Vilamiccam ver (Vetiveria zizanioides)
- Cantanam (Santalum album)
- Peyputtal (Trichosanthes cucumerina)
- Koraik kilanku(Cyperus rotandus)
- Cukku (Zingeber officinale)
- Milaku (Piper nigrum)
- Parpatakam (Mollugo cerviana)
It is composed of 15 herbal plants in equal proportion
- 1. Antipyretic- Reduces fever and bring backs the normal body temperature
- 2. Anti-inflammatory- controls infection caused by the pathogens.
- 3. Analgesic- Relieves body aches.
- 4. Body cleansing- Detoxes the blood, liver and spleen for pathogenic endotoxins.
Useful in
- Fever (Dengue/Chikungunya)
- Fever associated with shivering
- Fever associated with inflammation
5 to 10 ml twice a day after food or as directed by the physician
It is prudent to consult a physician for the correct dosage depending upon the age and current condition.
There have been no safety precautions identified clinically. However, recommended to avoid use during pregnancy and lactation.
Key ingredients & Therapeutic Actions
1. Nilavempu (Andrographis paniculata)
It is a natural antipyretic herb controls body temperature by its anti -viral activity. It eliminates toxic metabolites brought by the pathogens by stimulating liver detoxification.
2. Vettiver (Vetiveria zizanioides)
Its cooling property provides enough hydration to the body and relieves thirst,eliminates pathogenic waste materials through sweat and urine. Its natural refreshing aroma helps to regain good health.
3. Vilamiccam ver(Vetiveria zizanioides)
This is an exceedingly coolant herb helpful in reducing internal & external body heat. By inducing perspiration it brings down elevated body temperature. It is also best known for its anti-inflammatory action that relieves pain and burning sensation associated with fever.
4. Cantanam(Santalum album)
Sandal wood is a sacred herb useful in therapeutic as well as spiritual activities. Its bitter and cooling properties reduces body temperature in fever .It elevates the mood and creates sense of wellbeing, helps in speedy recovery from fever.
5. Peyputtal (Trichosanthes cucumerina)
This bitter herb is best known for its liver protection. Along with fever reduction it helps in detoxing the blood for infective organisms.
6. Koraik kilanku(Cyperus rotandus)
It controls systemic inflammations and reduce fever. Its psycho somatic stimulant action elevates mental and physical wellbeing to tolerate the ill effects of fever.
7. Cukku(Zingeber officinale)
Dried rhizomes of ginger increases saliva secretion and provide antibacterial protection to entire digestive system. It stimulates the secretion of gastric enzyme to recover appetite and digestion.
8. Milaku(Piper nigrum)
Black pepper neutralizes the endotoxins and detoxifies pathogenic remnants from liver and blood. Its hot potency deactivates microbes and enhances body immunity to prevent recurrence of fever.
9. Parpatakam-(Mollugo cerviana)
It is an antiseptic herb counteracts septic inflammations with in the body. It induces sweating to lower the body temperature. It helps in digestion and proper elimination of bowels for complete body cleansing.