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Does ghee have an impact on your blood cholesterol?

Ghee, referred to as clarified butter in the western countries has been a well-known source of Ayurveda for cholesterol control. Though it is included under the fats and oils category and the name fats and oils indicates excessive cholesterol building in body, ghee has always been an exception.

The very famous coronary artery disease (CAD) is indicated as a disease from excessive intake of fats and oils, which includes ghee as well. It is said that consuming saturated fatty acids leads to cholesterol oxidation in the body, and hence your coronary arteries are blocked. Thereby, the blood flow and supply from and to the heart is hassled.

This being on one side, scientifically looking at the fats and oils reveals the following:

ghee impact on your blood cholesterol
  • Heating polyunsaturated fats such as vegetable oils and butter will form oxidation, which is unhealthy.
  • When ghee is compared to the other forms of fats, it is almost entirely made of saturated fatty acids, and thus can withstand very high smoking points, making the food even healthier.
  • The saturated bonds in ghee are very stable and thus will not form free radicals when heated.
  • Ghee has short chain fatty acids and these types of fatty acids are readily metabolized by one’s body.
  • Ghee contains high concentration of butyric acid and thus possesses anti-viral properties that inhibit the growth of tumors and other cancers.

So, the point is, ghee is better than most of the oils and fat forms we use for cooking. There are also studies that quote that ghee is the best form of fat to use for deep or shallow frying and will not cause harm to your body. In fact, it is even better than the other forms of oils such as olive or canola.

In contradictory to the common thoughts, ghee is a good form of fat and helps one in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Makes digestion easy
  • Adds up to the protein build in your body
  • Makes your hair and skin glow
  • Helps in reducing weight
  • Stimulates your brain cells
  • Strengthens your nerves
  • Very rich in antioxidants and hence improves your immunity power
  • Helps in better absorption of vitamins and minerals from foods you consume
  • Heals cracks in lips and heals cuts and wounds in your body

The conclusion

Having discussed all the good properties of ghee, it is thereby understood that Ayurveda, the first and foremost form of medicine used ghee for cholesterol control and to improve one’s immunity and for a various number of causes.

All that being said, one should also remember that anything that is consumed more than a limit, is always dangerous, be it a fat substance like ghee or the healthiest food like fruits. Everything in limitation is the key to good health.

Consuming 1-2 teaspoons of ghee in your daily diet is very essential to burn down extra weight and to keep your hormones flowing right. It is also useful in a number of ways as discussed. Exceeding moderation is when the problem sets in.

If you are a patient suffering from very high cholesterol and have been advised by your doctor to restrict ghee, you can avoid it. But it is better to understand that 1-2 teaspoons of ghee daily and NOTHING MORE THAN THAT will always do you good.

Therefore, ghee in moderation will help control and maintain your blood cholesterol levels and will not harm you. Only when consumed in excess, any type of fat will affect your health.

While in a healthy person consuming ghee may reduce your cholesterol or not affect it, it is not advised for people already suffering from high cholesterol.

It is safer than butter. Now you understand how the Punjabis have tonnes of ghee and still are fitter. It has been used in Indian medicinal practice to help with ulcers, constipation, and the promotion of healthy eyes and skin.

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