Product Segments

Diabetes- Case study

Mr. Balaji, 50 years old, has been suffering from Diabetes for about 10 years. He complained of increased saliva secretion from the mouth and increased frequency of urination especially more at night. Because of this he was not able to sleep continuously. He was also suffered with tiredness (even after simple work) and lack of appetite for about 2 months.

His condition got aggravated during evening and when he was more stressed. At those times he experienced more lethargic and refused to go office. He tried allopathy medicine for his illness and found no results. His friend advised him to see our website while he was searching the remedy for his illness. As he was very much fascinated about our treatment he contacted our doctor through skype.

What did we do- The Ayurvedic Angle

While consulting with the patient, our doctor analyzed his Prakrithi( body constitution) Vikrithi (aggravated Dosha type that caused the illness) and the improper food and activities that the patient had followed.She found that aggravated Kapha along with Medho dhatu caused illness in this patient .She prescribed medicines in order to pacify these doshas and to increase the glucose metabolism.

Doctor recommended Insorex capsuleas an adjuvant therapy along with his allopathy anti-diabetic medicine. Along with that he was directed to follow certain food and exercise. He was also counselled to suitable diet and regime. Counselling was given to him to reduce the aggravating factor. He was advised to avoid sweet, sour and salty foods, curd, ghee, milk, animal foods, fish varieties, oily foods and root vegetables. He was advised to avoid day sleep, sitting for long time without physical work and exposure to steam bath. At the commencement of 2nd month his blood sugar level was evaluated and then he was directed to take Insorex capsule alone and to stop other medication.


The patient has been under this treatment regime from the past 2 months. During first month excess salivation (watering from mouth) and body tiredness was reduced. During 2nd month excess salivation, frequent urination was completely reduced and he felt more energetic.80 % of his complaint was cured at the end of 2nd month.

Disclaimer: The case studies presented in our website are for the reference only and we do not guarantee that all patients will experience the same results. Results may differ from person to person.

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