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Home Remedies for Arthritis & Joint Pain

The freedom of movement is the one to be cherished upon, because most of them out there do not get it! In the literal sense, many of them right from youngsters to elder people are afflicted and slaved down by bone and joint problems. Though there are infinite reasons to blame at including the unhealthy vegetables that are not farm grown these days, there are a lot more.

This being on one side, Ayurveda stresses on using natural products for bone and joint care and problems. For those who are suffering from arthritis, bone inflexibility and other related conditions, Ayurveda introduces home remedies for arthritis and remedies for joint pain. Read through.

Home Remedies for Arthritis & Joint Pain

1. Turmeric and ginger

Turmeric being an anti-inflammatory herbal spice reduces inflammation in the bones, joints and ligaments. It is also an antioxidant and so, will reduce your pain considerably. Ginger which has the enzyme to cure you of bone pain and ligament stress helps in curing arthritis. This is by far the best Ayurvedic treatment for arthritis.

2. Epsom salt

Loaded with magnesium sulfate, Epsom salt adds the magnesium content to your bones and joints for strengthening them and nulling away its weakness. In warm water, add a handful of Epsom salt and soak your joint inside it. This Ayurvedic remedy for joint pain will help you by leaps and bounds.

3. Magnesium supplements

Though it is a well-known fact that calcium is the building block of your bone’s structure, it is magnesium that strengthens your bones and makes them stronger from the root. If you have an arthritis condition, you must consider taking up magnesium supplements on a daily basis. Just so that you stick on to herbal formulations, ask your Ayurvedic expert and she/he will recommend a herbal magnesium supplement for best benefits.

4. Hail the oils

Use the extra virgin and cold pressed variant of olive oil for regular bone massages. An enzyme called “oleocanthal” in olive oil aims at strengthening your bones and joints and cures you of arthritis complaints. Olive oil massages are time-trusted home remedies for Arthritis.

5. Hot and cold variations

When your bones is suffering or resisting a stressful condition like pain, you can soothe and give it some relief by alternating hot and cold packs. You will need to fill up your water bag with steaming hot water, place it on the points of pain and immediately place another bag that contains freezing cold water. Alternating between these two temperatures in a place that is affected, helps greatly!!

6. Garlic

According to Ayurveda, the unwanted toxins and gas in your body give way to unwanted health complaints. Therefore, it is recommended that you use at least 3-4 pods of garlic on an everyday basis, either raw or grated into your recipes. It does not only add to the flavor and aroma of the food, but will also relieve you from arthritis conditions.

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