How to Keep Long Hair Tangle Free?

When Rapunzel could flaunt with her long hair in early ages with no conditioners and masks, can’t you do it today? It is that easy and simple if you take good care of your hair. Before we get into the tips and tricks on how to keep long hair tangle free, let us learn the Don’ts:

Long Hair Tangle Free
  • Try and keep away from hair straighteners, hair colors and other chemicals which can spoil the texture of your hair. Even though these might seem really glamorous to look at as soon as you do them, over a period of time it will leave your hair in trouble and you will have the most embarrassing strands of hair falling off everywhere you go!
  • Do not let your hair soaked in oil for a very long time. If you regularly oil your hair before a hair wash, see to that you don’t leave it for long on your hair. A maximum of 15 minutes to 1 hour will do the magic. Excessively soaking the hair with oil for prolonged periods will block the pores in your hair follicle, thereby only increasing hair fall and dandruff problems.
  • Don’t change the brand of your shampoos, conditioners, serums and other hair products often. Until you have tried all the famous brands and arrive at one brand that has suited you, fix onto the product firmly. Constantly exposing your hair to different chemical compositions in different hair products like shampoos will only leave your hair hampered.
  • Don’t wash your hair in piping hot/hot/steaming hot water. There is a myth that washing off your hair with real hot water will leave the blood flowing flawlessly and your hair growth will increase. Yes, this is a total myth. Use only lukewarm water or all the more better, plain tap water to rinse your hair. This will leave all the protein in your hair unaffected and will prevent your hair from split ends and other possible damages.
  • Don’t leave your hair uncombed! This is the major point to prevent your hair from damages. Regularly brush your hair — at least twice a day to maintain your hair from getting tangled.
  • Don’t wash your hair every day. By doing so, you are damaging the hair proteins yourself.
  • Don’t use hair dryers on your hair. Towel dry and let it naturally dry.

Now that we have walked through the important Don’ts for maintaining a tangle free long hair, let’s look into tips and tricks to help you flaunt your long hair like Rapunzel:

  • Deeply nourish those luscious strands — your hair needs deep nourishment through hair products (with natural ingredients and less of chemicals) like shampoo, conditioning mask and a serum. Be sure you use all these three onto your hair very regularly — at least twice or thrice a week.
  • Refrain from chemical usage like hair colors as already mentioned and go in for naturally styling products which contains enough hair oils.
  • Oil your hair before you have a hair wash. Even if this is not being possible every 2 days when you wash your hair, at least try and oil your hair once a week. Ensure that you leave in the oil for at least 15 mins before washing out your hair.
  • Once you wash your hair and it is damp enough, dab on some serum to help maintain your hair from damages caused by dust, smoke, light, water and other chemical pollutants.
  • Whenever you want to remove the tangles from your hair, brush right below the tangles and you will notice that the knotted part will be free from tangles already. Instead don’t force your comb or brush over the knotted part — this will only lead to abrasion of hair follicles and hair fall thereby.
  • Choose a shampoo or conditioner that contains silicones. This will help add shine to your hair. Refrain from hair products that contain parabens.
  • Regularly trim your hair. You might think your hair has never grown and why would you require a hair trim. But this is not the case; your hair ends grow rapidly and fall rapidly, thus causing split ends. Trimming your hair ends monthly once helps maintain a tangle free and trouble free hair.
  • Brush or comb your hair only after you’ve dried it naturally. Don’t use a brush or comb on damp hair; you will worsen the hair fall yourself.
  • Meditate and be stress free-most important ingredient for a lovely hair and skin.
  • The main part — your diet. Enrich it with proteins. Include the following in your diet regimen:
      ► Flaxseed Oi
      ► Sweet Potatoes
      ► Avocado
      ► Nut
      ► Citrus fruits
      ► Chickpeas (aka Garbanzo Beans)
      ► Leafy greens
  • Hope all these tips help you maintain super-duper shiny hair!

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