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Natural Hair Care Products for Healthy Living

Natural Hair Care Products for Healthy Living

Are you burning your pockets every month by spending towards expensive shampoos, conditioners and other hair care products? The advertisements for the product might be awe inspiring while watched on the TV, but is it really doing that good to your hair? It’s time to think and act! Hair care that comes in a natural way comes a long way. If you are for it, read on…

Break the egg, bring the shine

Egg is an excellent conditioner. Use the egg white for a hair mask. Leave it on your hair for half an hour and rinse it with a mild shampoo to get away from the smell. Your hair will shine like a crystal!.

Rinse cold

It is a myth to use piping hot water to rinse your hair to give it rejuvenation. Doing so leaves behind split ends and other hair problems and damages to your delicate hair. Therefore, use plain water to wash/rinse your hair.

Let the bitterness soak in

If your hair and scalp are prone to dandruff and louse, take control of the neem. Soak and grind neem leaves and apply a pack of it onto your hair and scalp. Leave it down for 15-20 mins and rinse your hair with a mild shampoo. You could add a dash of lemon juice to the neem mixture for added effects. Continuing this treatment every week or twice a week will keep all hair problems at bay.

Hair care

The natural makeup remover

If you have dabbed your hair with styling products and chemicals for the party look, washing it is essential. Normal washing will leave over residues of those chemicals and heating effects. Mix 3 tablespoons of baking soda into water and rinse your hair with this solution. Your hair makeup will be washed away at once.

Naturally bouncy

Say no to chemicals and artificial hair products to give that bouncy look to your hair. Instead, mix a measure of warm water to apple cider vinegar and leave it on your hair for 5 mins. Rinse the mixture off thoroughly to get rid of the vinegar’s smell.

The washing schedule

There are people who wash their hair every alternate day or even once a day to keep their hair lively and residue free. This is not the recommended way to maintain your hair. Washing your hair less often; 2 days a week, is the best way to maintain your hair’s texture and smoothness.

Summers in, pools in

For the scorching summers, the water pool might be your solution. Before you jump into that chlorinated water pool, apply some conditioner to your hair before it touches the water, or all the more, use a tight and protective hair guard.

Pamper the proper way

Weekly once, pamper your hair with essential oils and readily available natural lustre providing ingredients. Into half a cup of honey, add in 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil and the yolk of one egg. Mix this solution well so as to form a uniform “paste-consistency” solution. Dab this mix onto your hair and wash it way with warm water. This will not only pamper your hair and its follicles, but will give your hair that healthy look.

Tying it tight?


If you believe in typing up your hair with a tight hairband and you think it does you good, you are absolutely wrong. Do not break your hair by tying it tight. Leave it loose or adapt a comfortable hair style that doesn’t need over tightening up of those locks.

Brush the bottom

While brushing or combing your hair, comb away the bottom part of the hair first and you will thereby remove the tangles. Then go in for the long strokes from the scalp till the tip.

Let your hair go on a high

Alcohol is injurious to health but is healthy to hair. Yes, you read it right! Pamper your hair with wine or beer. You can add some beer or wine to your wet hair, massage it for 10 mins and then rinse off well to get away with the alcoholic smell. This will give you the salon effect.

Cut the crimps

Regularly trim your air ends to keep your hair trouble free.

Apart from all these natural rescuers, concentrating on your diet, workouts and hydrating your body and hair with enough water is essential for natural hair care. So now, time to flaunt those luxurious locks! You go girl!

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